Los Cabos
El municipio de Los Cabos es uno de los cinco municipios del estado de Baja California Sur. La cabecera municipal es San José del Cabo que fue fundada en 1730 por el padre jesuita Nicolás Tamaral, su ciudad más importante es Cabo San Lucas a 32 km de la cabecera y que en algún momento de su historia llegó a ser refugio de conquistadores y piratas ahora en la actualidad es el destino náutico más importante de México pues una de sus actividades mas relevantes es la pesca deportiva, se le conoce como " La Capital Mundial del Marlin ". En el municipio, hay cuatro delegaciones, Cabo San Lucas, La Ribera, Miraflores y Santiago. En el invierno podrá ser testigo de uno de los fenómenos naturales más bellos que ocurren en las costas de México: el cortejo, procreación y alumbramiento de la ballena gris y ballena jorobada

Los Cabos
The municipality of Los Cabos is one of the five municipalities in the state of Baja California Sur. The municipal seat is San José del Cabo, which was founded in 1730 by the Jesuit Father Nicolás Tamaral. Its most important city is Cabo San Lucas, 32 km from the head, and which at some point in its history became a refuge for conquistadors and pirates. Now today it is the most important nautical destination in Mexico since one of its most relevant activities is sport fishing, it is known as "The World Capital of Marlin". In the municipality, there are four delegations, Cabo San Lucas, La Ribera, Miraflores and Santiago. In winter you will be able to witness one of the most beautiful natural phenomena that occur on the coasts of Mexico: the courtship, procreation and birth of the gray whale and humpback whale.

The Old Cabo Falso Lighthouse, a beautiful monument built on May 5, 1905, located on a white dune and 15 kilometers from the Center of Cabo San Lucas.

Misiones Beach, one of the best places to enjoy the sunsets in Cabo

The Pacific contains approximately 25,000 islands, more than all the other oceans in the world combined

A fishermen in the morning during the surise at Tabasco Beach.

The distinctive icon of Cabo San Lucas

One of the principal attractions of Los Cabos

One of the most fun and extremely exciting fishing is tuna fishing.

a fisherman during the sunset at the Pacific side